Heard Tell Episode: The Worst Case Scenario of Child Protective Failure Happens in West Virginia
The shocking case of a dead 14-year-old girl in Boone County, WV, found "emaciated to a skeletal state" w/ guest & advocate Kelli Caseman of ThinkKidsWV
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Your Heard Tell Show is turning down the noise of the news cycle and getting to the information we need to discern our times by talking about the shocking case of dead 14 year old girl in Boone County, West Virginia, who was found “emaciated to a skeletal state” dead on her bathroom floor. While the mother has been charged, this horrible story once again highlights the issues of endangered children, the broken child protective system, a state government who either can’t or won’t allow transparency and accountability, and shocking lack of give a damn by a public who can’t seem to be bothered to force some change. Kelli Caseman of ThinkKidsWV returns to Heard Tell to talk about what needs to happen on the government level, policy ideas, the need for effective advocacy, and what the public can do about it.
All that and more on this episode of Heard Tell.
Reporting on this story by Amelia Knisley for WV Watch referenced:
Records show deceased Boone girl found emaciated was being homeschooled
Justice: Child Protective Services didn’t know about Boone girl found dead in a ‘skeletal state’
Deleted emails in foster care lawsuit could cost state $172K in sanctions
Other Reporting Referenced:
W.Va. Department of Human Services releases statement after Boone girl's death
911 Call Leads to Discovery of Girl, 14, in 'Emaciated, Skeletal State,' and Mom Is Arrested