Media Appearance: Talking About Media
I joined the Dave Allen Show on my "hometown" talk radio station on 580 WCHS, Charleston, WV
I’m on for the first half hour of The Dave Allen Show, but if you’ve followed the CPS situation in West Virginia, which we covered on Heard Tell here, stick for the second half where the great Amelia Kinsely updates some truly disturbing developments in the case of the dead, emaciated 14 year old girl, the elderly patient scalded to death in a state hospital, and a state government that refuses to answer any questions about any of it.
Coop is filling in for Dave and he has a full show. Andrew Donaldson from the Heard Tell Show, Fayetteville trib, et al. will be by in first to discuss media literacy and local primary sourcing; then Amelia Kinsely from WV Watch ( on recent CPS and DHHS fallout and tension from high profile child and patient deaths.