News, Notes, and Notions for 17Nov24
Media hits...Media hits everywhere with post-election fun for all, new Heard Tell episodes, and more
My standard line on this 2024 election at the presidential level has been “bad for the country, good for the commentating business.” And friend, business is booming. Let’s get right to it.
Media Hits
This was a thrill. Howard Monroe is a radio hall of famer in West Virginia, and I was privileged to join his Watchdog Radio morning program for the first time, in a wide-ranging conversation on the election, political parties, electoral coalitions, how politics change gradually then suddenly, and more. My bit starts at 10:00 mark:
Some post-election commentary for our Canadian friends at The News Forum national tv network up there on their 6pm evening newscast:
On Trump’s Win:
On the Senator Marco Rubio for Secretary of State pick:
On Trump cabinet picks:
I was on the Armstrong Williams panel discussion about the 2024 president election and related items. I’m on starting at the 13:14 mark
Latest Heard Tell Episodes
So there’s been a lot going on so let’s go in reverse chronological order starting with the election:
And one more thing…ok, two more things:
If you haven’t already found it, followed, and are a regular reader of Ordinary Times now is a great time to start. I’ve been privileged to work with some really talented writers there since 2017, and would appreciate you putting it in your rotation. Here is my latest piece there:
There are stages to reverse-engineering a completed election to get out of it the meaning one needs to press on to the next one. Anger and frustration lead to finding some blame somewhere external to the self. Then there is a need for a scapegoat. If that doesn’t suffice, then a group of scapegoats. Perhaps even an entire demographic of scapegoats. Left unchecked, the politically ate-up mind finds themselves at perpetual war with the majority of the electorate because those awful, wicked, evil people just don’t understand how awesomely awesome their carefully curated and separated opinion really is. And darn that media for not covering it that way.
Much of the post-mortem election handwringing, finger pointing, and caterwauling is less analysis and more flagellation of the electorate that didn’t vote the way it was supposed to. If only Trump hadn’t wiped the primary floor with Jeb!, the artist formerly known as TrustTed Cruz, or now-nominated Secretary of State “Lil’ Marco” Rubio none of this would have happened. If only Bernie Sanders would have been given a chance to be president. If only the Republican Party had resisted the Great and Powerful Political Oz not-so-hidden up the golden escalator of 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022. If only Joe Biden hadn’t become the living opposite of Conjunction Junction verbally on live, national TV. If only Hillary had gone to Wisconsin. If only Mike Pence had the courage.
And a note of appreciate, the numbers on these Substack posts have been trending up lately. All of the content on Heard Tell is offered free of charge, but if you would like to support the work we do, there are costs involved and we would appreciate it. So, if you a reading for free and would like to contribute, you can do so at that there button right there: