Your Heard Tell for 14Sep23
Inside Congress as Funding & Impeachment Loom, Why Decongestant Meds Don't Work, Mitt Romney & more w/ congressional reporter Eric Garcia
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Your Heard Tell Show for Thursday, September 14th, is turning down the noise of the news cycle and getting to the information we need to discern our times by taking how the FDA is finally admitting why all those decongestants you take aren't working for your sniffles and sneezes. Senator Mitt Romney announces he's not running for reelection by giving a message more of the elderly congress critters need to hear and adhere to. Congressional reporter Eric Garcia returns to the program to give us inside look into the return of congress, Kevin McCarthy's impeachment announcement, budget and funding battles, Mitch McConnell and the senate, political implications, Washington machinations, Romney stepping aside, and what to watch for in the headlines for what is going to be a bonkers session of congress. We end on a lazy note, as we go overseas to a contest to try and crown one country's "laziest citizen."
All that and more on this episode of Heard Tell.