Your Heard Tell For 19Sep2023
Politics of Information, Horrible Tale of Civil Asset Forfeiture, How Barbie Exposed Gifters & more
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Your Heard Tell Show for Thursday, September 14th, is turning down the noise of the news cycle and getting to the information we need to discern our times by taking the politics of information, and how we are using our social media intake of news media to view the world. Jill Jacobson returns with the latest example of civil asset forfeiture, how it became abused, and what real reform would look like and take. Then, we talk through a piece by Steven Allen Adams from his Reporter's Notebook feature on covering the debate over higher education and the mess at WVU and how the outrage, or lack there off, is a telling part of the story. Plus, social psychologist and researcher Dr. Aaron Pomerantz joins Heard Tell to talk how the Barbie movie was the latest fodder for the mostly online culture wars, but the massive success of the film exposed some folks who are just plugging things into the ongoing narratives that fuel their audiences, especially conservative men and bro influencers. Also, Dr. Pomerantz talks about how to have healthier discussions about touchy cultural issues, and the psychology behind culture wars as an online and new medis model.
All that and more on this episode of Heard Tell.