Your Heard Tell For 24OCT23
GOP's Leadership Problem, Fixing WV's Dysfunctional Child Protective Services, 152-Car Pileup & more. Guest: Think Kids WV Executive Director Kelli Caseman
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Your Heard Tell Show for Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 is turning down the noise of the news cycle and getting to the information we need to discern our times by talking about how the current chaos on the GOP side of Congress is the result of leadership problems that run long before the current groping in the dark for a Speaker of the House. A horrific 152-car pileup in Louisiana leaves 7 dead, an apocalyptic scene of destruction, and a reminder that speed kills on the highways. Our guest is Kelli Caseman, Executive Director of Think Kids West Virginia, to talk about the long-running issues of the West Virginia CPS that started long before the recent headlines of shocking abuse cases, backlogs of neglect cases, and fights over manning and funding. Kelli and host Andrew talks about the underlying issues of the opioid epidemic and poverty, how issues in the CPS system adversely affects the school system and vice-versa, how "the system" is still people even when dysfunctional and overwhelmed, and how agencies fighting over funding end up with them at cross purposes when they should be working together. Kelli also talks about some possible solutions, the need for accountability in the whole of state government, and how everyone can make a difference with something as simple as mindful social media advocacy. We end on a good note, with some scientists trying to read the burnt scrolls of one of history's most famous tragedies.
All that and more on this episode of Heard Tell.