Your Heard Tell Show For 29SEP2023
What The Hell Is Wrong With Canada? Grown Folks Talk on Labor, Unions, & Workers; GOP Debate Ad Buys w/guest David Clement
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Your Heard Tell Show for Thursday, September 28th, is turning down the noise of the news cycle and getting to the information we need to discern our times by zooming out from all the recent headlines on labor, unions, strikes, and workers to get a wider perspective beyond just buzzwords and idealized slogans to talk about what good companies and good unions with a proper government ought to be, how we don't have that, and how leadership and accountability are the difference between having good, bad, and sometimes very ugly situations for workers trying to get theirs. Host Andrew pushed back on some of your feedback that he's being too dismissive of the GOP presidential primary field by pointing out that money never lies, and we now have the advertising buy rates for the second GOP debate that are telling. Our guest is the returning David Clement from our friends at the Consumer Choice Center walks us through the big trouble up north as his native Canada is dealing with a string of bad headlines. From an exploding international incident with India, to the gobsmacking embarrassment of honoring a real life Nazi in the Canadian Parliament during the visits of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to the underlying economic issues of housing, to the debate over Canadian media. David also lays out some things to look for in the headlines coming up when it comes to Canada, answers if the Trudeau government is on its last legs, and why Canada's long-held ethos of "just don't be America" has taken a very public and embarrassing hit with scandal after scandal.
All that and more on this episode of Heard Tell.