Listen now | Were The Oscars Overly Political? Winners & Losers, Controversies Large and Small, plus Marvel/Disney Woes & more w/film critic Luis Mendez
My big take from the Oscars this year is that Flow, the winner of best animated feature film, was rendered on the free and open-source package Blender. There are lots of special parts that are not up to the standards of the commercial packages, but it's good enough to look "professional".
Yeah, why I made sure to get into that with Luis here. Animation is one of his favorite categories here and in an episode that we did a few weeks ago but I had to scrap because there was corrupted audio we talked about that category, but the Flow story now feels like a big deal technology wise after years of the film industry trying to figure out how it's going to approach such things. Luis's point about it also being international is insightful, overseas these things are moving at a different speed and acceptence than Hollywood it would appear.
My big take from the Oscars this year is that Flow, the winner of best animated feature film, was rendered on the free and open-source package Blender. There are lots of special parts that are not up to the standards of the commercial packages, but it's good enough to look "professional".
Yeah, why I made sure to get into that with Luis here. Animation is one of his favorite categories here and in an episode that we did a few weeks ago but I had to scrap because there was corrupted audio we talked about that category, but the Flow story now feels like a big deal technology wise after years of the film industry trying to figure out how it's going to approach such things. Luis's point about it also being international is insightful, overseas these things are moving at a different speed and acceptence than Hollywood it would appear.