Absolutely ... and you know I must confess, I've only been once to West Virginia...at the end of a coal miners strike circa 1981 when I was a very green, newly-minted CBS News correspondent, learning the ropes of network television before heading to Paris as chief correspondent. It was quite a day, sloshing around in the coal mines, talking with miners, writing my script, then racing back to KDKA (the nearest network affiliate) to transmit it to NYC for the Evening News. Whew ...... Anyway, you should subscribe to my SubStack page, Andelman Unleashed.... it's free and we can cross-promote! Here's the link ! https://daandelman.substack.com/

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Do make a chance to come again, would be happy to point you to some things more on the wild and wonderful side as opposed to the dark and dusty side. And I will, appreciate you sir

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This is truly wonderful, Andrew....reminds me of my first days in news as a night beat reporter covering North Hempstead township and the north shore of Nassau County for Newsday. I recall my first village board meeting when the village of Thomaston was considering whether to allow installation of a radio tower for the local broadcast station. I got one small factoid wrong and when I got in the next night, the night city editor, the brilliant and indomitable Mel Opotowski handed me a sheaf of phone messages complaining. "Call each of them back and explain what you wrote," he snarled. I learned the value and the power of local news fast that night!

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Thank yoh so much for that.

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Gotcha … no military here, but a big newsroom is not unlike a full brigade on deployment…and g*d forbid you ever forget who’s in charge


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Thank you, Andrew ... I would enjoy that !!

(and it's David....no launcelots in my family!)


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Former sergeant, it's automatic my friend

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