Sitemap - 2024 - Heard Tell

Media Appearance: Hot Talk Morning Show

Last Week's Labor On This Here Labor Day

Guest Hosting 580 Live Radio

Guest Hosting 580 Live in West Virginia

Complicated Starbucks Orders Is A Language I Don’t Speak None To Good

New Heard Tell Episode: Taxes Are Taxing

New Heard Tell Episode: Minnesota Nice

The novel and daring American freedoms we take for granted

New Heard Tell Episode: Agree/Disagree

News, Notes, and Notions for 11Aug24

Heard Tell: UK Violence Over Migrants

Maybe Your Idea Is Better Than Mine

New Heard Tell Episode: So Tim Walz It Is

News, Notes, and Notions for 04Aug24

Heard Tell Episode: Plain Talk Economics

New Heard Tell Episode: Whether Marvel?

Heard Tell Episode: Meanwhile, In DC

News, Notes, and Notions for 28Jul2024

New Episode of Heard Tell: Hi's & Byes

Democrats in Array as Harris Consolidates Support

Heard Tell Episode: Those Pesky Details

New Heard Tell Episode: DJT Hearts JDV

Choose Your Own President Biden Press Conference Adventure

The Arrow of Time, Lodged Deep in Our Political Posterior

New Heard Tell Episode: UK Election Reax

Dems in Disarray! No, For Reals This Time

Heard Tell Episode: Everyone Is Losing It

News, Notes, and Notions for 30Jun2024

About Last Night: Debate Debacle Edition

New Heard Tell: Putin's Fleecing of Africa

News, Notes, and Notions for 23Jun24

Accountability Depends On All of Us

News, Notes, and Notions For 16Jun2024

Why I'm Committed To Still Writing Local

Heard Tell Episode: Settle Down, Folks

Heard Tell: Space Race Becomes Routine

News, Notes, and Notions for 9Jun24

Heard Tell Episode: Mandatory Area Yutes

The D-Day That Never Was

New Heard Tell Episode: So Much Reaction

News, Notes, and Notions for 2Jun24

New Heard Tell: Hard Times at the Movies

Heard Tell Episode: Mental Health IRL

News, Notes, and Notions for 26May2024

New Heard Tell Episode: How Not To Media

Media Appearance: Talking About Media

Heard Tell Episode: President Biden in Atlanta

News, Notes, and Notions for 19May24

Heard Tell Episode: Education's "Standardized" Problems Are A Test

Talking Head-ing, Foreign and Domestic

Heard Tell Episode: US Presidents, Sorted

Heard Tell Video: UK Local Elections

Video: The Worst Case Scenario of Child Protective Failure Happens in West Virginia

Heard Tell Episode: UK Local Elections

Heard Tell Video: Inside Congress w/ Eric Garcia

News, Notes, and Notions for 5May24

Heard Tell Episode: Insider Perspective on Congress

Heard Tell Episode: The Worst Case Scenario of Child Protective Failure Happens in West Virginia

News, Notes, and Notions for 28APR24

Heard Tell Episode: The NY Trump Trial

News, Notes, and Notions for 21APR24

News, Notes, and Notions for 14Apr24

News, Notes, and Notions for 7APR24

It Was My Understanding There Would Be No Algebra 2

News, Notes, and Notions for 31MAR24

News, Notes, and Notions For 24MAR24

Media Apperance: Happiness Index Radio Conversation

Sports Betting Opponents Try Mopping Water Off Legalized Gambling Beachhead

Happiness, Ranked and Revealed

Girl Dadding in the Taylor Swift Era

News, Notes, and Notions for 17MAR24

News, Notes, and Notions for 3Mar24

News, Notes, and Notions For 25Feb24

Joseph and The Coat of Many Expectations

Ponderings on Presidents' Day

News, Notes, and Notions for 18Feb24

A Pitiful Display in New Hampshire

Latest Column: The Feds and Fayette County Fight Over Progress

News, Notes, & Notions: Winter Weather Edition

Heard Tell Show For 18Jan24

About Last Night: Trump Wins Iowa

The Wake At Drake: DeSantis and Haley Debate in Iowa

2024, That Disrespectful Jerk

What I Wrote About January 6th on January 7th

Stupid Questions With Obvious Answers In Public Places